Our clinic is one of five local clinics that participate in an on-call service. Each veterinarian is on-call one weekend per month, and one night of the week. The veterinarian on-call will assist you with whatever you need until you can get into our office.

You can reach the emergency service number by calling the clinic number and listening for the number on the message.

During Business Hours

Animal Medical Clinic
Get Directions | 308-382-6330

Hours of Operation
M-F: 7:30am-5:00pm
Sat: 8:00am-12:00pm
Sun: Closed

After Business Hours

Emergency Care Hotline
Phone: 308-389-0096

Hours of Operation
Nights & Weekends – Via Phone ONLY

Emergency Service Fees

All emergency services rendered will include the following fees:

  • Emergencies before 10:00PM are subject to a $175 emergency service fee
  • Emergencies after 10:00PM until 7:30AM are subject to a $225 emergency services fee